Monday, December 28, 2009

Another Year Almost Over

In about 2 weeks, I will be starting an online class called Mondo Beyondo. I will be dreaming big for 5 weeks. I'm excited and very curious. As a capricorn and a 1 (enneagram), dreaming is not easy. Hopefully this class will open up some deep reflection and inspiration! Who knows what the future will hold? I just need to allow myself to be able to vision it, to dream big and see what happens!

Yesterday, I decided that I would modify the P90X into a P30X workout program. New goal: get moving for at least 30 minutes a day. Today I was successful in getting up and doing the Cardio video first thing. Unfortunately, I pretty much bummed around the rest of the day. Still on vacation from school, so I can't do too much in one day. At least I accomplished one positive thing!

Three days ago, Grant and I celebrated Christmas by taking our dear friends to the airport at 4:45am, then came home, ate bagels with cream cheese and lox, went back to bed and watched a movie. We slept for a while, lazily got up, called the parents, and then headed over to my best friend's boyfriend's house for Christmas dinner. The day after Christmas was even better, just hanging out with Grant the entire day, playing games, watching movies, eating yummy leftovers, and enjoying our time together.

About two weeks ago, I finished the last class in my Masters of Instructional Leadership program at National University. Now I wait until I can get an official transcript that says I earned my degree so that I can take it to the HR department and get my bump on the salary schedule. Hopefully it will go into effect this year. Super bummer if I have they make me wait until next school year!

About 3 weeks ago, during a house meeting, we set up a new blog. There are not very many posts on it yet. Hopefully that will change in the new year.

About 1.5 months ago I got an email from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards to let me know that the scores would be posted the morning of November 20, the day that we would start Thanksgiving break. I would finally know whether I had achieved boards or not. The morning came, and I checked online in between my 2nd and 3rd period classes. Yea! What a relief! I passed! I am now a National Board Certified Teacher! Now what? I would ponder this for the next month (and I am still pondering this question into the new year).

About 6 months ago, we started to earnestly look for a new house to live in. Had to have at least 3 bedrooms. If only 3 bedrooms, then it had to have two common areas that we could use for a living room  and for a work space. Storage would be great. A garage would be awesome. In a good neighborhood (for my sake - I didn't want to live in the same neighborhood that I taught in). We looked at Craigslist daily (even hourly). We made phone calls to set up viewings. We drafted applications. We learned a lot about each other's financial backgrounds. We drove around. We met potential landlords. We fell in love with several houses. Then Grant and I left it all to chance (well, not chance, just deep trust of Evans and Emily, our future housemates) by starting our trip on the John Muir Trail.