Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Almost Famous

There was an article about my yoga class in the Oakland Tribune, our local newspaper. No, it's not as big as the NY Times or Washington Post, but it was still fun to see my picture in print! You can check out the article and some pictures here and video here.

My heart is a flutter.


Laurie said...

Cool! I'm excited that your program has taken off and attracted some wonderful, positive attention. Keep up with great work!

PastSelf said...

Waaaaaaa!!!! Robin's a CELEBRITY yoga instructor!! w00t! :-)

It was good to see you in that video, and hear your you just gotta get Grant written up for something at his internship/apprenticeship thing, and we can see BOTH of our friends "live"!

Glad to hear things are going so well. Sorry to read about the time-zone woes...although, technically, it would've been 7am the next day in Deutschland when you wrote that, and we were why didn't you call?!! (Besides the obscene expense, lack of a phone number, etc. etc. ;-) )