Saturday, September 08, 2007

After School Activity #1: YOGA

2 high school teachers (1 math, 1 spanish)

8 teens (including 1 boy-- we're so proud)

24 brand new yoga mats.

Us, laying down in the middle of my classroom, all the desks moved off to the side.

We're stretching our hamstrings and I tell them to relax their groin muscles (because that's a place were I tense up). After I gave them this instruction, I thought out loud, "I hope you went to the bathroom before class."

Then the boy asks, "Why?"

The girls giggle at the boy.

I say, "I guess it must be a girl thing."

The girls giggle some more.

Teens are soooo much fun. Especially when they are a part of my new after school yoga club.

1 comment:

PastSelf said...

I gotta say, I don't get it either. Does this have something to do with Anna's needing to go to the bathroom at very short intervals? (We're thinking at THIS point it's just a matter of the child occasionally leaning momentarily on her bladder. When she wasn't pregnant, well...who knows.)