Saturday, April 10, 2010

Full Belly Farms Tour

Since oh somewhere around Spring of 2005, give or take a few months, we have been a member of the Full Belly Farms CSA (community supported agriculture). As a member, we receive a box of vegetables every Wednesday afternoon. Now that we live in SaltHouse, we get 2 boxes each week for the 6 of us.

Last month we read in the newsletter about visiting the farm for a tour. In 4+ years of getting vegetables, we never visited the farm and we thought it was about time to see where our vegetables come from.

93 miles away in perfect traffic = about 90 minutes of drive time. So easy, so beautiful, we're planning to come back in the fall for the hoes down party. Co-owner Judith was our knowledgeable tour guide. I didn't get any pictures of her, but you can find her at the Tuesday Berkeley Farmers' Market almost every week.

Oddly enough, I didn't get any pictures of the vegetables either. But they do grow them, and we de eat them every week.

I did get a picture of the chicken tractor... one of the co-owner's daughters was explaining how it works... every night the chickens go into the "tractor" for the night, then they close the doors and move the electric fence and chickens to a new field. In the morning, the chickens have a new home of fresh grasses and bugs, or whatever chickens eat.

They also lay eggs, but not enough for the CSA members to get them weekly... maybe someday.

After the tour, we enjoyed a picnic lunch. Three of us from SaltHouse were able to go (me, Grant, and Ryan). We packed a beautiful lunch - but alas, no pictures of that either.

After lunch, we wandered around looking for the creek which is one of Full Belly's water sources. On the way, we heard the cute cry of piglets - so irresistible that we had to go check them out.

oh farm life. So tempting. We're starting with our little plot of garden out in front of the house. Pictures to come of that soon... or not so soon given my track record with blogging.

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